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About Liz

I am a clinical herbalist living in Boston, Massachusetts, on unceded Massachusett territory.

I was inspired to become a student of clinical herbalism through a personal journey to better understand my own health. 


I completed the three-year clinical Herbalism Program at the Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism in 2021. My primary teachers have been Larken Bunce, Betzy Bancroft, Kristin Henningsen, Ember Peters, Guido Mase, and Linden de Voil.


I have a BA in Feminist Gender & Sexuality Studies from Wesleyan University.

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About Herbalism

Herbalism is an approach to healing that incorporates working with plants, food, and lifestyle in service of a wide range of health goals, both chronic and acute. Herbs can support immune health, stress, low energy, sleep disturbance, hormonal imbalance, cardiovascular health, autoimmune conditions, allergies, digestion, blood sugar regulation, menstrual and reproductive health, skin issues, injury and surgery recovery, adjunct support through cancer treatment, and more.

My Approach

I offer herbal consultations that support clients to connect with their bodies, move toward their health goals, and free up space to live joyous and meaningful lives. I believe in plant medicine and nutrition as a means for people to have agency over their own health, and am excited to partner with clients on their health journeys in ways that feel most authentic to them. I believe in health at every size, gender affirming care, harm reduction, and the wisdom of our bodies to know what is best for us. 


As an herbalist, I do not diagnose or treat illness. I make energetic and physiologic assessments of what is going on in the body, and make herbal recommendations to support the body’s innate capacity to heal.

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